[Salon] Biden is Hiding Weapons Shipments to Israel and Ignores Illegal West Bank Settlements


March 7, 2024

Biden is Hiding Weapons Shipments to Israel and Ignores Illegal West Bank Settlements

Weapons shipments that exceed a certain amount require notices to Congress. Biden’s solution is to make the shipments smaller and send hundreds more of them.

The Arms Pipeline to Israel

The Wall Street Journal notes How the U.S. Arms Pipeline to Israel Avoids Public Disclosure

The U.S. has sent tens of thousands of weapons including bombs and precision guided munitions to Israel since Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks using procedures that have largely masked the scale of the administration’s military support for its closest Middle East ally, according to current and former U.S. officials.

The administration has organized more than 100 individual transfers of arms to Israel, but has only officially notified Congress of two shipments made under the major foreign weapons sales process, which are usually submitted to lawmakers for review and then publicly disclosed, U.S. officials said. In both cases, the administration used an emergency rule that avoids the review process.

The rest of the transfers have been approved using less public mechanisms available to the White House. Those include drawing from U.S. stockpiles, accelerating previously approved deliveries and sending weapons in smaller batches that fall below a dollar threshold that requires the administration to notify Congress, according to current and former U.S. officials.

“While the State Department has no legal obligation to notify below-threshold arms transfers, using this process to repeatedly end-run Congress—as sales of this quantity suggest—would violate the spirit of the law and undermine Congress’s important oversight role” Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D., Md.), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, told The Wall Street Journal.

This stuff is non-transparent by design,” said Josh Paul, a State Department official handling congressional relations who resigned in October in protest of the Biden administration’s policy on the Gaza war.

Reflections on the Spirit of the Law

Biden openly flouts not of the spirt of laws but actual laws, and brags about that as happened with student aid. 

The only people who fully understand any laws are the lobbyists who write them. 

In this case the weapons industry likely lobbyists inserted provisions to allow the president to ship weapons at will. 

What’s Cookin’?

The U.S.-supplied arms since the beginning of the Gaza war include at least 23,000 precision guided weapons, including Hellfire air-to-ground missiles, drones, and Joint Direct Attack Munition kits, which turn unguided bombs into “smart” bombs, along with other similar weapons, U.S. officials said.

Israel has also received 58,000 155mm artillery shells and munitions for its Iron Dome air defense system, the officials said.

Now guess what. The Pentagon will complain we don’t have enough of a weapons stockpile and will request more “defense” spending. 

Republicans and Democrats will be happy to oblige. 

West Bank Construction Surging

Also, please note Visual Evidence Shows Illegal Settler Construction in West Bank Surging

A Wall Street Journal investigation found that since Oct. 7, Israeli settlers have been rapidly building illegal roads and outposts across the West Bank. This work is sometimes done under armed guard with funding from the Israeli government.

Normally the Journal has a share button but the accompanying video does not offer one.

There are 15 major roads and 5 settlements underway with military protection. These settlements and roads are illegal under international law.

The pace of construction is surging. Typically it takes years to build a road. Now they are finished in days.

Netanyahu is Really in Trouble 

Tensions mount in Israel’s war cabinet as Benny Gantz, the chief political rival to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, plan to visit D.C.

Please note my post Netanyahu is Really in Trouble and There’s No Simple Solution

What’s Biden Doing?

Biden, who opposes the construction as well as Israeli plans in Gaza, sends concealed weapon shipments with no strings attached. 

He is lobbying Congress for more Israeli aid, also with no strings attached.

Somehow we are spoon fed the idea these wars are a national security risk to the US. 

Actually, it’s our meddling that’s a security risk.

Addendum – Illegal Settlements

Some challenged the notion the settlements are illegal. But the international community including the US admits they are illegal. 

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 of 2016, which passed 14-0 with the United States abstaining, declared that Israel’s settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, “has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law”, and demanded that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities”.

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